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DAIRYNOX 600 with optional feet D201

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  • DAIRYNOX 600 with optional feet D201DAIRYNOX 600 with optional feet D201DAIRYNOX 600 with optional feet D201
  • DAIRYNOX 600 with optional feet D201DAIRYNOX 600 with optional feet D201DAIRYNOX 600 with optional feet D201
  • DAIRYNOX 600

DAIRYNOX 600 LARGE STAINLESS-STEEL Trough for pre-cooler

3 m long Stainless Steel Trough for milk pre-cooler
Apт. : 2498

Seamless stainless-steel drinker of about 600 litres designed to distribute lukewarm water from a milk pre-cooler: highly beneficial warm water, very appreciated by dairy cows.

A pre-cooler provides substantial energy savings when it comes to milk tanks, but requires at least 1.5 litres of water to cool 1 litre of milk. The DAIRYNOX 600 makes it possible to recover this water.
 At the pre-cooler’s outlet, the water will have made the milk lose 15 to 25°C and will have been warmed up to around 17°C, an ideal temperature for watering dairy cows – particularly in winter, as it reduces their required thermoregulation efforts and therefore promotes milk production.

Highly rigid and seamless stainless-steel frame drinking trough with internal anti-waste double-flap rim. Right/left reversible
300 x 43 cm wide access allowing five cows to drink simultaneously (or eight cows if access possible from both sides)
Large Ø100 mm drain with overflow: useful capacity of 572 L. Easy cleaning thanks to the wall-mounted drinking-trough design
• Ø1.25” bulkhead plug for easy connection of a second DAIRYNOX 600
• The optional A631 valve transforms the DAIRYNOX 600 into a classic drinking trough.
When the lukewarm water in the milk pre-cooler is used up, the mains water takes over.

Must be installed on floor with feet NOT INCLUDED (ref D201, to order separately).
Several frost protection sets are available.

Shipping delay: J+10
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Trough and frame made of one piece of stainless steel.
Draining system Ø 100 mm.
Trough with slanted bottom for easier cleaning and specially folded non-spill edge.
572 Litres (151 USG)
Warm drinking water (16-18° C) promotes milk production:
Several studies* have shown increases in water and fodder consumption, and milk production.
Lukewarm water helps limit drops in milk production.
*Pfundheller (2000), Wilks (1990), Anderson (1984), CIAL des Ardennes (1979/80), Himmei (1964), Kellner (1916)
Débit l./Min -
длина (мм) 3143
ширина (мм) 550
высота (мм) 579
EAN13 3599150051217
Поставка Сетевое
Подсоединениe 3/4”
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